The next chapter of MIDTOON will be the one where Mabel has her baby (scroll down the side column for poll results).

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Midtoon Releases Three Polls at One Time!

The Midtoon Herald, 6/17/2009

In an unprecedented move, the Creators of the MIDTOON Reality Comic Strip are running three polls this week. One of the polls is about feminine preferences between Mario and Erik. We took to the streets to ask people what they thought.

"We don't know exactly where they are trying to go with this," said Matt Rubhard, from Lakeview Street. "Readers are suppossed to choose one of the boys, but the poll doesn't say what it is for, so I'm very hesitant to cast a vote."

"I am not going to lie," added a female who asked us to keep her name private. "My favorite is Erik. I see him every day and I think he's handsome. It is a pity he's like 10 years younger than me."

"I don't like any of them," said a young mother from Pacifica Drive. "Both of them are losers."

Well, it appears that people have strong opinions about the issue. It is still to be seen if the opinions translate into votes.

"We are having less votes than usual," admitted Midtoon Executive Producer, Neftali Rivera from his office in Westfield Road. "We wish that more people would become aware of the fact that the strip will take the direction that the votes imply, but we guess that it may take time for people to get used to the idea that their choices DIRECT the comic."

The other two polls available on the site are more of a preference survey as to what matters most in a comic strip. One of the polls gives people the opportunity to select various items that matter to them, while the next asks them to select only one.

It is interesting that the two factors that seem to be winning on the multiple choice question are nowhere near the top when people have to choose only one.

"The indication is very unclear," said Dr. Nicholas Wyland, from the Midtoon Institute of Statistics and other Useless Facts (MISUF). "It appears that a couple of factors are very common for people, but are not usually their most important factor. When Asked to choose several, various people mention them, but when choosing ONE, they choose something else."

MISUF has been following trends in Midtoon Polls for quite a while now, so they probably know what they are talking about.

This reporter is glad to be back from vacation, Midtoon is not the same without her.


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